Author: Advanced Laparoscopic Associates

two people eating

Can You Have Diabetes and Not Know?

In the United States, 21.4 percent of the population is living with undiagnosed diabetes, which equates to 7.3 million people. That is a rather large number compared to the 10.5 percent, or 34.2 million people...


What Does the Appendix Do, Really?

When most people think of the appendix, two things come to mind: unnecessary organ and appendicitis. The human appendix does have a reputation for becoming inflamed and requiring surgical removal. And the appendix has been...

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Life After Adrenal Gland Removal

What do Adrenal Glands Do?  Your adrenal glands are small glands located on the top of each kidney; they are also called suprarenal glands. The adrenal glands are part of your endocrine system, and they release different...

general surgery

What is General Surgery?

General surgery is a discipline of surgery requiring a surgeon to have essential and core knowledge common to all surgical specialties. General surgery requires a background in diagnosis, preoperative procedures, operative procedures and postoperative management,...

new announcement

ALA Publishes Article In Obesity Surgery

Qualification for bariatric surgery is based upon strict medical guidelines; however, insurance companies may impose additional medical requirements before they will approve and cover the procedures. One common requirement is the patient attending a mandatory...

woman with gerd pain

The Best and Worst Foods for GERD

What Is GERD/Acid Reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when your stomach contents flow back up into your esophagus, throat and mouth. This acidic backwash, known as acid reflux, can cause a burning sensation in your...